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农业资源与环境,agricultural resources and environment

1)agricultural resources and environment农业资源与环境

1.this article has probed into the teaching experience of undergraduate graduation thesis inagricultural resources and environment specialty and its improving measures.对农业资源与环境专业本科毕业论文教学经验及其提高措施进行了探索。

2.Laws have to be made not only to enforce WTO rules and regulations,but also to protect China\"sagricultural resources and environment to the maximum so as to optimize the economic and political benefits.加入WTO后,中国的农业面临一个全新的国际环境,其发展被置于WTO的框架中,无论是农产品的国际贸易,还是国内农业资源与环境的保护都必须适应WTO规则的要求。


1.Conception of Practical Teaching System for Agricultural Resources and Environment Specialty(For Undergraduate Student);农业资源与环境专业(本科)实践教学体系的构建

2.On Legislations to Protect the Agricultural Resources and Environment of China under the Framework of WTOWTO框架下中国农业资源与环境的立法保护

3.Discussion on the Teaching Experience of Undergraduate Graduation Thesis in Agricultural Resources and Environment Specialty and Its Improving Measures;浅谈农业资源与环境专业本科毕业论文教学经验及其提高措施

4.Exploration of Experiment Teaching of Newly Established Agricultural Resources and Environment Specialty in Polytechnic Institutions理工院校新设农业资源与环境专业实验教学探索

5.The Design and Implementation of County Agricultural Resource and Environmental Management Decision Support System县域农业资源与环境管理决策支持系统设计与实现


7.American Agriculture Production and the Protection of Resource and Environment美国的农业生产与资源、生态环境保护

8.Integration and Share of Agricultural Information Resources under Network Environment;网络环境下农业信息资源整合与共享

9.Agricultural Natural Environment Resources andEco-Agriculture Construction in Shanxi Province;山西农业自然环境资源与生态农业建设

10."Department of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Protection"农业与资源环保审计司

11.Study on Harmonic Development of Agricultural Resource Environment and Economy in the Period of Economic Transformation;经济转型期农业资源环境与经济协调发展研究

12.Study on Coordinated development of Agricultural Natural Resources Exploitation and Environmental Capacity;农业自然资源开发与环境容量协调发展的研究

13.Development and utilization of Agricultural Information Resources in Network Environment;网络环境下农业信息资源的开发与利用

14.The Analysis of the Land Resource and Environment for Fujian Agricultural Sustainable Development;福建农业可持续发展的土地资源与环境分析

15.Restriction of resources & environment and structural adjustment of agricultural production in China.;我国的资源环境约束与农业生产结构调整

16.Environmental Resource Conditions in Huaian and Agricultural Sustainable Use;淮安市环境资源状况与农业可持续利用

17.On the Legislative Perfection of ProtectingAgricultural Environmental Resourses;论我国农业环境资源保护立法的健全与完善

18.Identification of agricultural resource & environment determination of the principle grain production area in China;我国农业资源环境评价与农业优势产业带的确定


agricultural environment and resources农业环境与资源

1.The sustainable use ofagricultural environment and resources is the kernel of sustainable agricultural and rural development,which is the result of ethical cognition to the value ofagricultural environment and resources, and as well as the inevitable choice of the huge stress that modern agricultural development has brought on.农业与农村可持续发展的核心是农业环境与资源的可持续性利用。

3)agricultural resources and environment specialty农业资源与环境专业

1.Based on the characteristics ofagricultural resources and environment specialty and the all-round improvement of practical ability and comprehensive quality of our students,a preliminary scheme of practical teaching system foragricultural resources and environment specialty is advanced in this paper.根据农业资源与环境专业的特点和全面提高本专业学生的实践能力及综合素质,本文初步提出了农业资源与环境专业实践教学体系的方案。

4)Agriculture Environment and Resources Ethics农业环境与资源伦理

5)resources of the agriculture environment农业环境资源

6)Agricultural resources and environment农业资源环境

1.In this paper, based on the object influencing agricultural resources and environment database in Hebei Province and the technology of GIS and SOTER, the agricultural resources and environment database including soil/land, landform, geomorphology, vegetation and social economic and so on, was .农业资源环境是维持人类赖以生存和发展的最基本条件,是农业生产的基础,也是经济和社会可持续发展的保障。


农业资源与环境专业农业资源与环境专业 业务培养目标:业务培养目标:本专业培养具备农业资源与环境方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能在农业、土地、环保、农资等部门或单位从事农业资源管理及利用、农业环境保护、生态农业、资源遥感与信息技术的教学、科研、管理等工作的高级科学技术人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习农业资源的管理及利用、农业环境保护、农业生态、资源信息技术等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到农业资源调查与规划、土壤肥力和植物营养与施肥技术、环境监测与评价、生态效益分析、气象观测、计算机技术等方面的基本训练,具有农业资源高效和可持续利用、对农业资源和环境进行信息化管理等方面的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.具备扎实的数学、物理、化学等基本理论知识;2.掌握农业资源与环境科学的基本理论;3.掌握农业资源的管理与利用、农业环境保护、土壤改良、生态农业建设等方面的基本知识;4.掌握农业资源调查、环境质量评价、化学及现代仪器分析、植物营养的研究方法、科学施肥与科学灌溉、农业再生资源综合利用、土地规划与制图、资源信息管理等方面的方法与技术;5.具备农业可持续发展的意识和基本知识,了解资源与环境的科学前沿及发展趋势;6.熟悉资源管理与利用、环境保护的有关方针、政策和法规。主干课程:主干学科:农业资源利用、环境科学与工程、生物学。主要课程:土壤学、植物营养学、土地资源学、资源遥感与信息技术、农业环境学、农业气象学、生态学、水土保持学。主要实践性教学环节:包括教学实习、生产实习、课程设计、毕业论文(毕业设计)、科研训练、生产劳动、社会实践等,一般安排25-30周。修业年限:四年授予学位:农学学士相近专业:园林 水土保持与荒漠化防治 农业资源与环境


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