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防污自洁技术: 实用英语短句和例句大全

农信网 2024-02-01 15:35:53 综合内容 310

防污自洁技术: 实用英语短句和例句大全


防污自洁,anti-contamination and self-cleaning

1)anti-contamination and self-cleaning防污自洁

1.Preparation ofanti-contamination and self-cleaning architecture membrane;防污自洁建筑膜材的制备

2.Functional modification of surfaceanti-contamination and self-cleaning of textile coated by PVDFPVDF涂层纺织品表面防污自洁功能改性


1.Functional modification of surface anti-contamination and self-cleaning of textile coated by PVDFPVDF涂层纺织品表面防污自洁功能改性

2.Modified SiO_2 and Its Application in Anti-Dirty and Self-Cleaning Surface Treatment改性SiO_2在防污自洁表面处理中的应用

3.Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention and Control Technologies of Chemical Industry in France法国的化工清洁生产和污染防治技术

4.Building Oilfield Pollution Prevention System for Clean Production建立油田污染防控体系确保清洁生产

5.For a leather surface, wipe it uni-directionally while cleaning to avoid repeated dhesion of dirt.对皮革表面,清洁时应单方向擦拭,以防污垢返粘。

6.Research on Cleaner Production in Livestock and Poultry Breeding and Countermeasures of Environment Pollution;畜禽养殖业的清洁生产与污染防治对策研究

7.Research on Barium Sulfate Precipitation Industrial Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention and Control沉淀硫酸钡工业清洁生产及污染防治研究

8.Institute local self-government, throw out corrupt officials and establish clean government.实行地方自治,铲除贪官污吏,建立廉洁政府。

9.The printing and dyeing wastewater degradation and purification of self-clean textile material自清洁纺织材料对印染污水的降解净化

10.Water Quality Standards are the foundation of the water quality-based pollution control program mandated by the Clean Water Act.描述:环保署水质标准:建立水质污染防治项目,进行清洁水行动。

11.Discussion on the Reform of Automatic Control for AHU Coil Frost Protection Used for Cleaning-Room洁净空调机组防冻保护自动控制装置的改进

12.Discussing the Promotion of Automatic Control for AHU Coil Frost Protection Used for Clean-room对洁净空调机组自动控制中防冻保护的改进

13.Disgn and Constraction of a Novel Tea Shaking Sieve Equipment with Charactoristics of Cleaner, Automatic Block Prevention & Exclusion新型茶叶清洁化、自动防堵排堵抖筛设备的研制

14.Pro 30:12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.箴30:12有一宗人,自以为清洁,却没有洗去自己的污秽。

15.Tin free, polishing anifouling composition with cuprous oxide.含氧化亚铜的无锡自抛光防污涂料。

16."For I am the Lord your God: for this reason, make and keep yourselves holy, for I am holy; you are not to make yourselves unclean with any sort of thing which goes about flat on the earth."我是耶和华你们的神,所以你们要成为圣洁,因为我是圣洁的。你们也不可在地上的爬物污秽自己。

17.Under section 316 of the Clean Water Act states may regulate thermal pollution from nuclear power plants;根据《洁净水法案》第316条,各州可以管制源自核电厂的热污染;

18.Contain natural moisturizing factor and crystal cleaning ingredients, remove dirt, harmful bacterium and surplus oil, prevent acne.天然保湿成分与天然水晶洁净成分的配合,去除污垢、害细菌及过剩油脂,防止粉刺暗疮的形成。


self-cleaning and anti-fouling自洁防污

3)antifouling and self-cleaning performance防污自洁性

4)antifouling and self-cleaning topcoat finishing agent防污自洁面涂剂

5)self-polishing antifouling自洁耐沾污

1.A high preformance antifouling paint based on silicone oligomer as binder has been developed,which can provide not only excellentself-polishing antifouling performance,but also fast curing proprety.以有机硅树脂低聚物为主要成分制备的耐沾污剂 ,不仅具有优异的自洁耐沾污性能 ,而且固化迅速。

6)self-clearing glass自洁防雾玻璃




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