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Agricultural protection is a crucial aspect of economic development and food security, encompassing various measures to ensure the sustainability and resilience of agricultural production. It involves government policies, financial support, and technological advancements aimed at safeguarding the interests of farmers and the agricultural industry as a whole. In addition, agricultural protection also plays a significant role in environmental conservation and resource management, promoting sustainable farming practices and mitigating the impact of climate change. This collection of English short sentences and example sentences on agricultural protection serves as a valuable resource for understanding the importance of this field and its impact on global food production, economic stability, and environmental sustainability. It provides insight into the diverse strategies, challenges, and benefits associated with agricultural protection, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of its significance in the modern world.

农业保护,agricultural protection

1)agricultural protection农业保护

1.Issues On China s Agricultural Protection Under WTO;WTO框架下我国农业保护问题

2.Perfect the System of Agricultural Protection in Market Economy;市场经济条件下农业保护体系的健全与完善

3.At the same time, we must formulate and enforce necessaryagricultural protection.与此同时 ,还必须从我国实际情况出发 ,制定和实施必要的农业保护政策。


1.Legislative Measures of Protection Agriculture in Our Country with WTO Agriculture Agreement;WTO农业协议与我国农业保护立法对策

2.Agricultural protection is the necessity to remove the agricultural risks and realize the largest agricultural security guarantee;农业保护是化解农业风险实现农业最大安全保障的需要

3.Setting up Protection System on Agriculture Appling to Industrialization;构建与工业化相适应的农业保护体系

4.The Relationship between Reservation of Agriculture in City Countryside and Sustainable Development of Agricultre;都市农业保护与农业可持续发展的关系

5.Agricultural Support instead of Protection: A New Option in the Post-WTO Era;WTO后时代的新选择:农业支持替代农业保护

6.2. Protect the industrial, commercial, agricultural and livestock enterprises of the national bourgeoisie.(二)保护民族工商农牧业。


8.Protect Agricultural Property Right and Promote the Development of Modern Agriculture;保护农业知识产权促进现代农业发展

9.The Protection of Specific Geographical Agricultural Mark Products and the Agriculture in Anhui Province特色农产品地理标志保护与安徽农业

10.Strengthens the agriculture intellectual property rights protection way discussion about the new rural reconstruction;新农村建设应加强农业知识产权保护

11.A Case Study on Rights and Interests Protection of Farmers Lost Farmland and Sustainable Development of Agriculture and the Village in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China;失地农民权益保护与农业和农村可持续发展

12.Protect Agro-ecological Environment Promote Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Maoming;保护农业生态环境,促进茂名农业可持续发展

13.Protect Agricultural Natural Resources for Promoting Agricultural Sustainable Development;保护农业自然资源 促进农业可持续发展

14.Discuss on the Organizational Form of Agricultural Industrialization and Protection of Farmer’s Interests;论农业产业化的组织形式与农民利益的保护

15.Protecting China s Agriculture from the Experience ofAgricultural Reforming in Developed Countries;借鉴发达国家农业改革的经验保护我国农业

16.Agricultural Environmental Characteristics and Environmental Protection Countermeasures in Anhui Province安徽省农业环境特征及农业环境保护对策

17.Chinese Society of Agro-Ecological Environment Protection中国农业生态环境保护协会

18.conservation areaph.1. 【英】(环境或农业)保护区


Agriculture Protection农业保护

1.The Problems ofAgriculture Protection under WTO;WT0条件下的农业保护问题

2.Influences on selection policies of agriculture protection for entry WTO;加入WTO对我国农业保护政策选择的影响

3.Under conditions that the commodity ratio of farm products is low ,and the price difference between industrial and farm products is large as well as the new challenges that our agriculture will face after China joins the WTO,this paper regards that implementing the policy of agriculture protection is essential,an.农业保护是一个国家对农业所采取的一系列支持与保护政策的总称 ,不能将农业保护单纯理解为贸易保护或价格支持。

3)protection of agriculture保护农业

1.This paper discusses the necessity ofprotection of agriculture in the market economy and introduces the measures for protecting agriculture in macro -control agriculture in countries with a developed market economy.本文分析了在市场经济中,保护农业的必要性和市场经济发达国家,宏观调控农业中对农业的保护以及保护的政策措施。

4)conservation agriculture保护性农业

1.Analysis on the role and characteristics of policy in Xinjiangconservation agriculture development;新疆保护性农业发展中的政策作用与特点浅析

2.Other than conservation tillage,conservation agriculture is a new ideaistic revolution in the development history of world agriculture.与保护性耕作不同,保护性农业是世界农业发展史上一次全新的思想革命。

5)rotected agriculture保护地农业

1.Protected agriculture is a special form of agricultural production system with its natural eco-environment strongly interferred by man.保护地农业是一种人类强烈干预自然生态环境的农业生产形态,因而,在理论和实践上存在许多有别于一般农业的特点。

6)Protective Agricultural Policy农业补贴及农业保护




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