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都市农业企业 Urban agriculture enterprise英语短句 例句大全

农信网 2024-03-24 19:31:14 综合内容 740

都市农业企业 Urban agriculture enterprise英语短句 例句大全

Urban agriculture enterprises are a burgeoning sector in today"s metropolitan areas, combining the buzz of city life with the innovation and sustainability of agricultural practices. These enterprises harness empty lots, rooftops, and other urban spaces to grow crops and raise livestock, supplying fresh produce to local markets and restaurants. From vertical farming ventures to community garden projects, urban agriculture enterprises are redefining the food production landscape. The integration of cutting-edge technologies and eco-friendly methodologies has led these enterprises to thrive, creating a positive impact on urban sustainability and food security. Furthermore, the adoption of urban agriculture enterprises has encouraged community engagement and education on environmental issues. With their ability to transform unused urban spaces into flourishing agricultural sites, these enterprises not only provide high-quality, locally-sourced food but also contribute to a greener and healthier urban environment.

都市农业企业,Urban agriculture enterprise

1)Urban agriculture enterprise都市农业企业

1.Urban agriculture enterprise innovation was essential for urban agriculture conditions of existence.以企业创新能力内涵为指导,结合都市农业发展现状,依据企业创新能力评价指标体系建立的原则,从技术创新能力、管理创新能力和制度创新能力3方面阐述珠三角都市农业企业的创新能力,系统地建立都市农业企业创新能力评价指标体系。

2)urban agriculture都市农业

1.Urban Agriculture and the Adjustment on Agriculture Industrial Structure in the Suburb of Beijing;都市农业与京郊农业产业结构调整

2.A discussing on the development ofurban agriculture tourism in Guiyang city;贵阳市发展都市农业旅游探讨

3.On Urban Agriculture and Construction of Ecologic City;论都市农业与生态城市建设


1.The Enlightenment of Overseas Urban Agriculture on Beijing Suburb Urban Agriculture;海外都市农业对京郊都市农业的启示

2.Research on Industry Orientation of Urban Agriculture in City;都市圈中都市农业产业定位问题研究

3.A Comparison of Urban Agriculture between Countries and its Development in China;都市农业比较研究及我国都市农业的发展

4.Theory and Practice of Agriculture in City Countryside;都市农业的理论与实践——兼论南京都市农业发展

5.Leisure agriculture and sightseeing agriculture,urban agriculture s relation and difference;休闲农业与观光农业、都市农业的联系与区别

6.Adjust and Optimize Agricultural Ma chinery Structure Promote Development of City Agricul true;调整优化农机结构 促进都市农业发展

7.Research on the Development Strategy of Urban Agriculture in Jiangjin Chongqing;重庆市江津区都市农业发展战略研究

8.Study on Countermeasure and Development in Zhengzhou City Agriculture;郑州市都市农业发展现状及对策研究

9.Metropolis agriculture in urbanized advancement strategic localization;都市农业在城市化进程中的战略定位

10.Research on Developmental Orientation of Urban Agriculture in Urban Agglomerations of Pearl River Delta;珠三角城市群都市农业发展定位研究

11.Promoting the Constructing of Ecopolis While Developing the Metropolitan Agriculture;发展都市农业 促进生态城市建设


13.A Study on the Synergy Relationship between Urban Agriculture and Eco-City都市农业与生态城市的协同关系研究

14.A regurgitation feeding from industry to agriculture of Shanghai City based on synthetical evaluating theory of urban agricultural development;基于都市农业评估理论谈上海工业反哺农业

15.Urban farm is a type of city agriculture entity in the course.都市农庄是工农、乡融合过程中都市农业发展的一种实体形态。

16.The theory and policy of Japanese urban agriculture enlighten Chinese urban agricultural development;日本都市农业的理论与政策对我国都市农业的启示

17.The Relationship between Reservation of Agriculture in City Countryside and Sustainable Development of Agricultre;都市农业保护与农业可持续发展的关系

18.Agritourism Should be Highlighted in Modern Metropolitan Agriculture Construction in Beijing;北京现代都市农业建设应大力发展休闲农业


urban agriculture都市农业

1.Urban Agriculture and the Adjustment on Agriculture Industrial Structure in the Suburb of Beijing;都市农业与京郊农业产业结构调整

2.A discussing on the development ofurban agriculture tourism in Guiyang city;贵阳市发展都市农业旅游探讨

3.On Urban Agriculture and Construction of Ecologic City;论都市农业与生态城市建设

3)metropolitan agriculture都市农业

1.On the construction ofmetropolitan agriculture in Shanghai;上海市都市农业建设若干问题研究

2.On the basis of comparison between Chongqing s metropolitan agricultural region and external region, this paper analyses necessity, superiority and disadvantages of Chongqing smetropolitan agriculture.通过横向纵向比较,分析了重庆市都市农业发展的必要性、具有的优势以及存在的问题,提出了加快重庆都市农业发展的一系列措施,强调了培育、壮大龙头企业、实施集团化一体化战略以及技术创新的重要性。

4)Agriculture in city countryside都市农业

1.The essay goes from the status quos and the set forth of agriculture in city countryside’s multifunction, then, expound the production and the disadvantages of agriculture in Wuhan city countryside.从都市农业的多功能性启示及现状出发,阐述了武汉都市农业所取得的成果及存在的阻碍因素;通过吸收国内外都市农业园区发展的经验,采用理论与实际相结合的方法,探讨了武汉都市农业的建设发展思路;提出了多部门协调建立农业财政投入体系、强化产业运营模式4环节、落实土地流转规范化、注重科学技术的输入与输出、加快农业生态旅游板块步伐等措施,来加快区域农业经济的发展,以打破城乡二元结构,推进城乡一体化进程,构建和谐社会。

2.It s important to develop agriculture in city countryside.发展都市农业具有重要意义,而都市农业的发展离不开科技进步的支撑,文章就如何发挥科技进步的作用来促进都市农业的快速发展提出了建议。

5)City agriculture都市农业

1.With the fast development of urbanization, the city agriculture has been an important part of social economy in a big city.随着大城市城市化进程的不断加快,都市农业已经成为都市经济的重要组成部分,它作为与都市经济发展和人民生活息息相关的基础产业,具有保障生活、发展经济、稳定社会、平衡生态和旅游休闲等作用。

2.city agriculture arouses wide attention in China and is rapidly developed in various big cities.都市农业以其区域优势、生态环境保护、观光休闲、生产高效等多种功能,在我国广泛引起重视,并在各大城市迅速发展,由此大大加快了我国城乡一体化进程。

3.Analyzed the relationship of agricultural mechanization and socialism new country construction, pointed out the keystone of agricultural mechanization service for city agriculture, explored the model and put forward the measures of agricultural mechanization service for new country construction.分析农业机械化和社会主义新农村建设的关系,正确定位农业机械化服务都市农业建设的重点,探索农业机械化服务新农村建设的模式,提出创新拓展农业机械化服务新农村建设的措施。


1.By analyzing mutual impacts onurban-agriculture and urbanization,the author suggested the ways of Urban-Rural integration coordinated development in Tianjin.从都市农业和农村城市化协调互动关系分析入手,提出天津城乡统筹一体化发展的路径选择。

2.The stratagem of eco-city construction will let us meet great challenge tourban-agriculture, which is very important to eco-city construction.面临着建立生态型城市的战略选择,同样也为都市农业的建设提出了新的挑战,都市农业对城市生态经济的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。




北方现代都市农业示范园位于哈市道里区城乡路288号,占地12.7公顷,拥有从荷兰引进的大型玻璃温室2栋10140平方米,美国gf-80型温室1栋1070平方米,高效节能日光温室8栋3400平方米,植保温室1栋、加温温室2栋共1500平方米,塑料大棚20栋13340平方米。园区内有先进的无土栽培技术展示,种植了多种名、特、优、新等珍稀蔬菜品种,诸如:紫背天葵、食用仙人掌、苦苣、菊苣、火焰菜、蛋茄、金果茄、观赏椒等。“植物克隆”、“农业产业化生产”在这里都得以实现,夏季这里有320米长最富特色的瓜菜长廊,种植有40余种奇形怪状的瓜果,冬季,这里更是“绿色的海洋”,生命在这里永无休止。在国家、省市等有关部门的正确领导和大力支持下, 2000年示范园被哈尔滨团市委命名为“哈尔滨市青年科技示范基地”,2001年,被市委宣传部和市教委联合命名为“哈尔滨市青少年绿色农业实践基地”,被国家旅游局评为“国家aa级旅游景区(点)”、被评为“黑龙江省旅游示范点”,并作为黑龙江省农业上唯一一家被推荐评选“国家旅游示范点”的农业单位,对园区发展更起到了至关重要的作用。四年来,园区通过各种形式培训农技人员和农民10万多人次,带动农户200多万户,建立分支基地15处;接待国、内外游客和涉农教育的中小学生30多万人次,取得了良好的社会效益和较好的经济效益,并成为北方区域内现代农业的示范区、样板区。


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